Our health is our responsibilty too | Letters - News Summed Up

Our health is our responsibilty too | Letters

In their contributions (How to save the NHS according to those in the know, 6 January), Shirley Cramer (Royal Society of Public Health) and Jack O’Sullivan (health innovation consultant) provided the vital perspective that is generally missing from such discussions: our health is our responsibility and we could reduce the burden on the NHS if we each accepted and acted upon that responsibility. As Cramer and O’Sullivan argue, the NHS is too geared to fixing problems that are entirely preventable through making changes in behaviour and lifestyle. So here’s an idea: change the name to the National Medical Service to help us take back that individual and collective responsibility. Nick BartonTemplecombe, Somerset• Join the debate – email guardian.letters@theguardian.com• Read more Guardian letters – click here to visit gu.com/letters

Source: The Guardian January 08, 2018 18:56 UTC



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